Website Database Optimization


This lesson covers optimizing database performance, including factors influencing speed, database sizing, and practical demonstrations of updating versions, managing storage engine types, and efficient cleanup techniques using tools like WP Rocket and WP DB Cleaner. The session also addresses autoloaded rows optimization, plugin data cleanup, and eliminating redundant Cron Jobs related to deleted plugins.

Timestamp Topic covered
00:03:00Explanation of the role of the database and factors that influence database performance.
00:05:30About database size and performance factors.
00:09:15Database types and MariaDB
00:10:38Where to find out your database version in WordPress
00:14:00How to update your database version in cPanel and phpMyAdmin
00:15:10Storage engine types
00:18:45How to convert InnoDB to MyISAM
00:19:00Ways to clean up the database and live example with WP Rocket and WP DB Cleaner
00:25:10Optimizing Autoloaded Rows - can reduce RAM usage by 50%
00:32:00Common large culprits of autoload rows
00:34:00How to find out the autoload size in phpMyAdmin and finding the top 10 biggest autoload rows
00:38:30How to change an autoload row
00:42:54Cleaning up old plugin data
00:44:30Ways to find old data in the database
00:48:30An alternative way to change autoload with WP DB Cleaner
00:51:25Removing Cron Jobs for deleted plugins

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