2023-08-23 QA Session

Topics covered:

  • Discussed upcoming Kraken training including CTR process, scheduler feature, and GBP campaigns like Surge V2. Also covered organic CTR, on-page optimization with AI writing, and local SEO strategies.
  • Reviewed new elements of Surge 2.0, virtual assistant training, Darrel's city surge project, and Google Sheets enhancements.
Timestamp Question Topics
00:00:45Things to expect in upcoming training.
00:03:10Can you show your GBP CTR process for Kraken and share any insights on best practices?CTR
00:11:40New scheduler feature in KrakenCTR
00:13:47Second GBP Campaign for the surge - Surge V2 GBP ReffererCTR
00:26:16Organic CTRCTR
00:28:00Neuronwriter - AI Writing FAQ with unused termsOn-page optimization
00:30:36Have you looked at GBPurls.com from Lloyd Farrell for getting links?Local SEO
00:33:57Is there a doc that highlights the new elements specific to Surge 2.0?Surge
00:35:00Discussion regarding VAs and training VAsVirtual assistants
00:38:30Update about Darrel city surge v2Surge, automation
01:03:33Google Sheets functionality enhancementGoogle Sheet


GBP CTR process:

  • Click to call: 10-20%
  • Browse reviews: 15-25%
  • Browse pictures: 5-15%
  • Driving directions: 10-20 % (for address visible businesses)
  • Number of pages: 12


  • 2-4 visits per day (for older listing) = 60-120 visits per month
  • Campaign duration: 30 days

Referral sites:

  • RSS
  • Google Site
  • Twitter post
  • Citations
  • YouTube
  • Other sites linking back to the Google Business Profile

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