2023-04-05 QA Session

Topics covered:

  • Schema template updates, adding schema to Shopify websites, and leveraging surges for multilingual businesses.
  • Experiences with various CTR tools 
  • The impact of the March Google Core Update.
Timestamp Question Topics
00:00:50Major schema update to the WebPage schema by DarylSchema
00:23:35How to add schema to a Shopify website and what type.Shopify, Schema
00:27:45How does the surge change when a GBP does not have an address?Surges, Google My Business
00:29:18How do you leverage surges for a business that has multiple languages? Is every surge unique to the primary keyword regardless of language? We start by creating all the geo pages and then surge the primary keyword in the GBP city and the ones around it. Should we do the same for the primary keyword in all languages?Surges, Multilingual SEO
00:31:15Can you provide the list of CTR tools and how you use them?CTR, Tools
00:39:40The keyword I am trying to target is "aviation safety training." How would you suggest I approach this array of Things to convey a clear picture of the entity ie no pollution?SEO, Keyword
00:41:37Discussion on March Google Core UpdateGoogle Core Update
00:49:40Certain steps should be taken prior to implementing surges.Surges
00:51:20Progress with the schema template in RSS MasherSchema, RSS

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