2022-09-21 – Anchoring


A technique called anchoring. Expand on Maps builds and expands results. And introduce a level of syndication. It’s a continuation of what has been learnt so far, such as surges, cloud stacking, mirroring, cascades, Google stacks. Daryl will usually come in and do anchoring after doing a particular build if something has been a little stubborn.

Timestamp Topic covered
00:08:55Details on tools we need for this process.
00:11:15Diagram of the anchoring process.
00:18:00Step 1 - gathering additional feeds
00:23:31Preview of RSS AutoGen
00:24:50Adding the links to RSS AutoGen
00:31:55Step 2 - bundling with co-citation feeds
00:33:10Step 3 - Uploading the feed to target host
00:37:52Step 4 -Setup perpetual syndication using IFTTT
00:39:00Step 4A - Setting up Google Sheet
00:45:33Creating the Google Calendar
01:00:00Adding the IFTTT applets
01:04:35Step five - adding the iframes to the Google Site
01:09:00Step six - syndicating the RSS feed further
01:12:40Summary of what was accomplished.

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