2022-08-10 – Metaframing


This metaframes lesson is an extension of what we previously learned about with iframes and layering.

Timestamp Topic covered
00:01:10Member marketplace
00:04:32Introduction to metaframing, going over mirroring methods previously seen
00:10:37Why using metaframing when we are already using the cascade method.
00:13:17Diagram of metaframing concept
00:18:25Things to add to increase the power.
00:22:00Adding the YouTube Playlist RSS for co-citation with other YouTube channel.
00:25:10The RSS Flywheel effect
00:26:35Mirroring diagram part 2
00:33:03Potential schema duplication issues. How to play it safe.
00:34:35Steps for the metaframing
00:35:30Step 1 - video iframed on the target page and videoObject schema in place
00:37:09Step 2 - Create your first piece of the metaframe structure (same way as in the schema mirroring session)
00:40:20Step 3 - Add schema to the Weebly page, and embed the target video on it.
00:41:30Schema modification to make to the videoObject schema for Weebly
00:42:53Step 4 - Index the Weebly site
00:43:11Step 5 - Create site 2 as an HTML page (almost identical to Site 1) - S3, Azure, Google Cloud
00:45:04Step 6 - Add the video to the page and schema identically as you did on Site 1
00:47:55Step 7 - Completing the Metaframe
00:50:19Step 8 - Increase the video power to benefit Site 1, Site 2, and the target (views, likes, shares, favorites)
00:53:54Explanation of the Metaframe flow
01:00:20Update on datafeed schema template - change the @type Datafeed to Dataset


Increasing the power with:

Iframe the target back to the new site 1.

Recommended YouTube co-citation RSS feeds:

  • Channels with high number of subscribers, publishing often and get a lot of engagement (in your niche)
  • It can be competitors channels too

videoObject schema is the main schema on the page

Meta refresh code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=https://URLoftargetpage/">

Minimum Iframe boundaries: 18px x 18px

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