2023-11-29 – Geo Collection Schema


In this lesson, we covered the new schema that was shared for multi-location and service pages. Key discussions included schema expansibility, the use of multiple categories, and specifics of content location within schemas, complemented by practical examples and addressing specific questions about schema implementation.

Timestamp Topic covered
00:03:10Explanation of the problematic on the website.
00:05:30Review of original collation page schema template.
00:07:40Presentation of the geo-collection page schema template.
00:08:30Explanation of schema expendability to define multiple categories in the @type and where it’s useful.
00:17:45Continuation of the explanation of the schema template.
00:21:26Question about having multiple entityofpage for nested schema
00:23:18Explanation of what to include in the content location part of the @Place schema.
00:25:48Difference between additionaltype and sameas schema.
00:30:30Continuation of what to include in the content location part of the schema (address, geo, etc.).
00:32:47Looking at Rich Results Test.
00:34:36Question about adding a custom curated Google Sheet with news items, videos, etc. And where would you place manipulated URLs.
00:39:53Question about how would this be different in the event of a collection page that is all geo URLs.
00:42:30A short talk on people’s updates in rankings.

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