2022-04-27 QA Session

Topics covered:

  • The impact of branded traffic with CTR manipulation on rankings.
  • Different workarounds for local surge when you don't have access to the client's website.
  • Answering some Google Earth and MyMaps-related questions.
  • A sneak peek at the new local business schema available in training.
  • An introduction to Google Maps ID and other functionalities available in Google Clouds that will enhance what we do with our Maps Stacks.
  • A trick to add extra local relevance with Backlink Factory.
Timestamp Question Topics
00:00:49Clinton updates on the RV rental website. Traffic from ads and sponsored content from local newspapers. Improved ranking in maps.Local seo, ads
00:04:35Branded traffic as a safety net for CTR manipulation.CTR manipulation
00:09:05How would you work with a project where there was no access to the site itself and you could only do the off page stuff?Embed alternatives
00:16:20In the most recent video answering my question about the "niche edits" spliced into Google Earth KMLs, I noticed that the link you manipulate is the CID, but in the training, you tell us to use the top layer to link to the G-Site or Money-site inner page.Google Earth KML
00:17:08In the training, you mention that it's possible to create Frankenstein Monster stacks between my maps, google earth and back again. Something like: MyMap KML > Import to Google Earth > Export Google Earth as KML > and so on. Do you have an example we could have a look at for reference?Google Maps Stack
00:18:05It seems that Google Earth allows us to edit the descriptions of Project Features using full HTML. Do you ever take that opportunity to inject more schema into the stacks?Google Earth
00:19:00Daryl’s local business schema update.Schema
00:26:53Google Maps Platform in Google Clouds. Enhance tridementional maps for local business based on a Google webinar where they talked about maps.Talks about options available in Google Maps Platform.Google Maps, MapID, local seo
00:45:44A brief preview of 3D driving directions from Google’s webinar.Google Maps
00:49:12Adding local relevance to maps with Backlink FactoryLocal seo, Google Sheets


The minimum iframe size you don’t want to go under is 18px x 18px. Under that, Google will ignore it. (00:11:55)

Using Weebly to add the content and then Meta Refresh to the website is an option if access is not possible to the money site. (00:12:10)

You can place a iframe inside an image with CSS. (00:13:20)

Have a QR code on the image and have the QR link to the property that has the embeds. Also use sameAs schema. (00:14:00)

Here is a link to the Google webinar on the Google Cloud Maps Platform that was mentioned in this lesson:


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